Dame Joanna Lumley has insisted people aren't as thin nowadays due to fast food delivery services being so accessible. The Absolutely Fabulous actress took issue with those who favoured ordering "expensive" food over cooking for themselves - and believes this is why people are bigger nowadays. Reflecting on the earlier stages of her career, Joanna, 78, shared: "In those days, everybody was thinner because there was no fast food.

Now there are all these delivery companies. She previously added to the Daily Mail: "This idea that your life is so busy that you can't be bothered to shop, with people just bringing stuff to you, it's terribly expensive. Just make it yourself!" The Fool Me Once star has managed to maintain her svelte figure over the years by following a strict diet and ditching meat and fish.

She once shared: “I suddenly thought I am not going to do this anymore. I am not going to eat meat or fish. No more, finished.

Gone. But I am not a vegan. That is the next step, but I love cheese.

” Joanna has now been a vegeratian for over 40 years and believes eating this way is why she is "never ill". Speaking on the Table Manners podcast With Jessie and Lennie Ware, she said: “The diet I love best is: eat stuff, mostly vegetables, not too much. "And exercise? I have a tall thin house and I run up and down the stairs a lot!” At the time in 2022, Joanna said she was yet to fully commit to a vegan diet as she couldn't resist tucking into cheese.

The actress also previous.