Have you ever wondered what kind of Instagram messages reality TV contestants receive after they become famous? Joan Vassos, a contestant on The Golden Bachelor and the lead in the upcoming dating competition, The Golden Bachelorette , is revealing all the details. The Maryland native recently revealed hopeful suitors flooded her inbox after she first appeared on the ABC series. It wasn’t all wholesome messages or date requests, though.

She had her share of individuals with odd requests sliding into her DMs. Joan Vassos was propositioned for feet pics following ‘The Golden Bachelor’ While Joan Vassos has spoken positively about her experience on reality TV, not everything that has come with her newfound stardom has been completely positive. The notoriety has brought the Maryland native plenty of attention on social media.

Not all of the messages she has received have been entirely wholesome. Vassos told Entertainment Weekly that she started getting many direct messages from men after The Golden Bachelor premiered. While she said many of the messages were perfectly innocent, some weren’t.

She told the publication that several fans reached out requesting pictures of her feet. The 61-year-old said one person who reached out to her on Instagram asked her if they could purchase all of the shoes she had worn while competing on The Golden Bachelor . Vassos also received plenty of unwanted dick pics.

Vassos isn’t alone. Other contestants also reported some strange messages .