Earlier on October 7, 2019, Buet student Abrar Fahad tragically lost his life after a brutal beating, an event that sparked nationwide outrage and attention. Now, a short film titled "Room Number 2011", inspired by Abrar's story, is in production, directed by Sheikh Jisan Ahmed. The film's poster was unveiled on Jisu Entertainment's Facebook page on Monday afternoon and has since gone viral across various social media platforms.

In an interview with Channel i Online, Sheikh Jisan Ahmed explained that his production company, Jisu Entertainment, typically produces a variety of content, including recreations of iconic scenes from Hollywood and Bollywood films. Their team has successfully recreated scenes from Hindi films such as "PK", "Three Idiots", as well as the local hit "Monpura", earning significant praise for their work. Jisan noted that "Room Number 2011" is their first major project of this nature.

He confirmed that the film is based on the tragic events surrounding Abrar Fahad's death. Regarding the film's background, Jisan stated, "Yes, the film is indeed based on Abrar Fahad's incident. We sought permission from his family before proceeding.

Abrar's younger brother, Abrar Faiyaz, provided us with crucial information, and we also interviewed Abrar's roommate at Buet for further insights." In addition to the information gathered from Abrar's family and friends, Jisan revealed that they also relied on newspaper reports and statements from the accused to develop the scre.