MY wife's mother had a wonderful home on The Boulevarde at Hawks Nest (Jimmys beach) from the mid 1980s for approximately 35 years. Login or signup to continue reading Near the start of The Boulevarde it was an absolutely beautiful place to be. There was not much view to the beach, across from the roadway as there were many metres of native bush land with trees and shrubs of all heights.

Beyond that there were many more metres of sand dunes before you got to the waters of Jimmys beach. Under the water it was an untouched natural aquarium. There were diamond pythons, goannas, bandicoots etc in the bush and koalas in the reserve behind the house.

Only a two-storey house had glimpses across to Nelson Bay. All the houses were somewhat protected from the southerlies by this natural barrier, and only severe east coast lows would blow sand all over Winda Woppa. Every year we would notice that trees and shrubs were being removed by other residents and new unofficial paths made through the bush to access the beach.

The daytrippers would park on the beach side of the road against the rules and continuously damage the bush with their cars. It was becoming clear to us that the writing was on the wall for this place as every year it became harder and harder to enjoy due to the selfishness of people who had given the ocean the strong hold that it has now. In the early 2000s the council started pumping sand all over what was left of the bush barrier, I believe smothering it including all th.