Diwali for actor Sahiba Bali begins the moment she gets a whiff of the intoxicating fragrance of the saptaparni or scholar tree that puts out its delightful pale green blooms in October. Inhaling the fragrance “actually causes a physical reaction my body because I feel really happy,” says Bali, whose projects have included Laila Majnu, Dear Maya, Parchhayee: Ghost Stories by Ruskin Bond, Tanaav, Bard of Blood and the upcoming biopic Chamkila directed by Imtiaz Ali. “It’s my favourite season and the fragrance of the saptparni “tells me Diwali is here, heralding my birthday in December, so I try to cancel as much of work as possible to enjoy the festival and be with my family,” she says.

Instagram star and Youtuber Srishti Garg, known for her “empowering rants and viral sketches,” all aimed at GenZ, also loves family time during the festive season. “Since the four of us live in different cities we meet very rarely unless we go on a family trip, but Diwali is that one time when we take out four to five days to chill and be together.” Such times remind Garg of the past years when “I was not working, my brother was not in college, my mom and dad were posted in the same city.

This makes us cherish each other’s presence even more. I love that I can be with my family.” Along with the joy of togetherness of course comes the wonder of lights, the beauty of flowers and the gastronomic delights cooked up for the occasion.

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