Residents, relatives, staff and volunteers at a Jewish Care home have been recognised for going “above and beyond” at an Oscars-style award ceremony. The Sidney Awards are an annual initiative to celebrate the accomplishments and contribution of people connected to Sidney Corob House, a residence in West Hampstead for people living with complex mental health needs. Sandra Saintus, Jewish Care’s mental health services registered manager at the home, said: “The Sidney Awards serve as a momentous occasion to celebrate the collective and individual successes within our community, reinforcing our commitment to fostering a supportive and nurturing environment for all residents, supporting them to be as independent as possible.

“This year’s Sidney Awards are a testament to the incredible achievements of our residents, who have successfully accomplished numerous personal goals and targets. The event also recognises the unwavering commitment of our dedicated staff and volunteers, who have consistently gone above and beyond to enrich the lives of those of the residents.” Celebrating the Sidney Awards at Sidney Corob House, part of Jewish Care (Photo: Yakir Zur) Each award winner received a distinctive Sidney Award, symbolised by a tree-shaped structure formed from the letters S.


E.Y. “This emblem represents the personal growth and development of each recipient.

Every award emphasised empowerment, positivity, honouring the unique accomplishments of each individual,�.