It's the bane of many travellers: jet lag . Nobody wants to lose out because they're too tired to enjoy the delights of their vacation spot. Here are some tips on how to handle jet lag, wherever you might end up.

(Also Read | September travel alert: Top 6 most beautiful treks in India to do in September for those who love nature ) What is jet lag? Scientists define jet lag as the effect on the human body of travelling across different time zones . Our bodies have biological clocks programmed into almost every cell in the body, according to Sofia Axelrod, who studies circadian rhythms at Rockefeller University in New York. “The clock is set by the 24-hour light and dark pattern,” Axelrod said.

“Every morning when we wake up, specialized (light) receptor cells in our retina receive a daylight signal, which is transmitted to the brain and from there, the whole body.” When we travel to another time zone, our eyes receive the daylight signal at a different time than usual, causing our internal clocks to reset. But that process can take a while — and it’s during that adjustment period that we feel the effects of jet lag.

(Also Read | Cabin lighting and these dishes can help reduce jet lag in passengers travelling on long flights: Qantas Airways study ) Is jet lag preventable? Yes, but that can come at a cost. Malcolm von Schantz, a professor who specializes in circadian rhythms at Northumbria University in Newcastle, said that flying in premium cabins where travellers c.