It's a time of year where students across the country eagerly await their A Level results - and followers online wait for Jeremy Clarkson to pipe up. As teens up and down the country find out if they've passed or failed, with many needing to hit specific targets to get their university allocation in the bag, the TV presenter has once again told them not to worry . For a decade now, Jeremy has shared a humble brag on Twitter /X on results day.

He uses the day as a timely reminder to tell everyone who will listen about his past failures and monumental success. And he wasn't going to give up just yet as he took to the social media platform today (Thursday, August 15) with his annual update. This time around he dropped in his newest venture - his pub.

He wrote: "Don’t worry if your A level results aren’t what you were hoping for. I got a C and two Us, and here I am, 46 years later, with my own pub. It opens next weekend if you fancy dropping in.

" Fans were clearly excited to see what Jeremy not-so-humbly eluded to this year and weren't disappointed with his efforts. One fan gushed: "10 years ago I remember reading this, and today I realize you were right all along They never mattered." Another added: "I always look forward to your yearly dose of inspiration," while a third wrote: "Jeremy, my Hero!! Much love, watching you since kid, because love cars.

P.s best wishes, take care!" The official Specsavers account even got in on the action, joking they didn't see his comment com.