Jennifer Lopez was used to facing a lot of criticism for her work . But she felt a lot of the negative feedback she faced might’ve come from an unfair place. Jennifer Lopez’s critics affected her success Even when Lopez was experiencing a career high, she was bothered by her detractors’ opinions.

Back in her younger years, Lopez’s successful debut feature Selena coincided with her debut hit record On the 6 . The movie didn’t do too well at the box office, but garnered massive critical praise from critics, with some highlighting Lopez’s performance. Likewise, On the 6 was a commercial success, going gold the first week of its release back in 1999.

But she had enough skeptics at the time to make Lopez doubt herself and her skills as an artist. “I’m killing it, and then everybody’s like, ‘She can’t sing, she can’t dance, she can’t act, she’s just some pretty face or her butt is big’ or whatever they were saying about me and I started thinking, ‘Yeah, that’s true,’” she recalled according to People . “And it really hurt me for a long time.

” The more successful she became, the louder some of her critics were. So much so that Lopez wondered if the source of her criticism was about more than just her work. “The rumors at that time were so endless,” Lopez said to Complex (via HuffPost ).

“I still haven’t figured that all out completely. I’ve thought sometimes, ‘Was it because I was a woman? Was it because I was a minority ? I was .