Jennifer Lopez is a traditional girl at heart. Following her July 2022 marriage to Ben Affleck , J.Lo was asked if any part of her “might want Ben to be Mr.

Lopez” — and the “Love Don’t Cost a Thing” singer could only laugh at the idea. “No! It’s not traditional,” she told Vogue in a November 2022 profile titled “How Jennifer Lopez Found Happily Ever After.” Lopez, who filed for divorce from Affleck on Tuesday, Aug.

20, made the choice to legally become Mrs. Affleck following her marriage. “It doesn’t have any romance to it,” she added of Ben becoming “Mr.

Ben Lopez.” “It feels like it’s a power move, you know what I mean? I’m very much in control of my own life and destiny and feel empowered as a woman and as a person.” The question was prompted by a New York Times article published just days after her marriage, in which the paper’s Styles editor Stella Bugbee derided Lopez for adopting her husband’s surname.

“I think it’s one of the most public acts of submission that a person can perform,” the journalist said of women taking a man’s surname. “But that is especially true for celebrity women who make their money from their name recognition.” Bugbee went one step further and proposed, “Why didn’t [Ben Affleck] become Ben Lopez? What would that have done to his ego?” Lopez was surprised when she was told about the article.

“What? Really?” she asked. “People are still going to call me Jennifer Lopez. But my leg.