Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez went on their first date in 2017. While she was certain they were on a date, he wasn’t sure what to expect from their meeting. According to Lopez, this was clear to her given the topics he discussed.

Jennifer Lopez said Alex Rodriguez didn’t seem aware they were on a first date Lopez and Rodriguez ran into each other in 2017, years after they met for the first time. Though Lopez said she was usually shy in situations like this, she approached him to say hello. Not long after, he called and asked her out.

“He was sitting there in his white shirt, very confident and manly, but then he was just so talkative!” Lopez told Vanity Fair . “I think he thought I was going to be this loud person, but I’m not. I just listen.

So he’s talking, talking about his plans, about how he had just retired from baseball, about how he saw himself getting married again, all these things you wouldn’t normally talk about on a first date. I don’t know if he thought it was a date.” Rodriguez confirmed that he didn’t know if they were on a date.

He wasn’t even sure if she was single . “I didn’t know if it was a date,” Rodriguez said. “Maybe we were seeing each other at night because of her work schedule.

I went in uneasy, not knowing her situation.” The tone of the night shifted when he realized they were on a date Rodriguez thought that no matter what Lopez’s intentions for the night were, it would be beneficial to meet with her. “It.