Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck have both been famous for the entire time they’ve known one another. Their children have spent their lives dealing with paparazzi and news stories about their parents. They’ve seen people approach their parents frequently enough that they can tell the difference in the way the public views them.

Jennifer Garner said her kids noticed the difference in the way people treat her and Ben Affleck When Garner and Affleck’s three children are out in public with them, they often see fans approach their parents. They’ve noticed that when people approach Affleck, they seem overwhelmed. “People are in awe of him,” she told The Hollywood Reporter in 2021.

“He’s done incredible things, he’s six-four , he’s ...

him, and they treat him with a kind of reverence.” They are nowhere near as reverent when they approach Garner. Instead, they approach her as though she’s an old friend.

Garner said her children are surprised by the difference in treatment, but it doesn’t bother her. “They say that people treat me like we were just in the middle of a conversation and they want to get back to it,” she said. “They’ll see me and be like, ‘Oh, I’ve been meaning to tell you .

..’” Jennifer Garner shared how she and Ben Affleck talk to their kids about fame Affleck and Garner’s children have grown accustomed to the endless amount of attention on them.

Garner said that when she was still married to Affleck, the family couldn’t esca.