Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck have dealt with a heavy level of scrutiny on their relationship since they first got together. Garner described the constant media attention as exhausting and wanted to protect her children from it. She also said that she wants to avoid the stories herself.

She doesn’t like reading anything about her ex-husband. Jennifer Garner said she doesn’t want to read stories about Ben Affleck In the years since his divorce from Garner , Affleck has consistently made headlines. He has had several widely talked about relationships, including his recent marriage to Jennifer Lopez.

It’s difficult to avoid seeing his name or picture in the media, but Garner said she tries her best. “I really work hard not to see either of us in the press,” she told Stellar Magazine, per Elle . “It doesn’t make me feel good, even if it’s something nice about one of us.

I just try to forget that I’m out there in any way, and the same with anyone I love.” She said she doesn’t want to see her loved ones turned into memes, something that happens to Affleck often. “I don’t need to see anyone in my family made into a meme ,” she said, though she added, “Although I’m sure he’s quite meme-worthy, yes!” She said she wants her children to avoid seeing stories about him too Garner said she wants her three children to also avoid stories written about their parents.

It’s not possible to protect them entirely, but she wants to be able to talk to them ab.