Sean Payton is the subject of the Netflix movie "Home Team" which chronicles the coach's year off from football in 2012, after an NFL suspension for Bountygate. The project is shooting at stadiums all over New Orleans. Great quotes are the spice of a story.

Like a good seasoning or hot sauce, they often provide just the right kick. As journalists, we’re always mining for good comments to help illustrate our stories. And over the years, I’ve learned that you never know where a good one will come from.

Or when. Week 4 of my documents the best and most memorable quotes from Saints players and coaches during my quarter century of covering the team. They might not be the most famous quotes, but they’re the ones that have stuck like a burr in my mental socks.

Where some of these lists have been difficult to compile, this one was easy. In fact, I could have listed a dozen more. Here’s my best five: I was interviewing Campbell for my book “Payton and Brees” and asked him about the Saints offense and why it was so historically effective.

In his own inimitable way, the then-Saints tight ends coach delivered a beauty of a quote. Since taking over as the head coach of the Detroit Lions, Campbell has proven to be one of the NFL’s top quote machines. Best of all, he rarely leans on clichés.

That’s how the Saints backup defensive end described Matthew Stafford, when asked by reporters about the challenge the Detroit Lions rookie quarterback faced in making his NFL debut ag.