J.D. Vance came to Trump’s defense when confronted with the fact that the presidential candidate had dinner in 2022 with white supremacist Nick Fuentes , who recently attacked Vance’s wife, Usha Vance, a child of Indian immigrants.

Fuentes said last month he doesn’t expect Vance — “the guy who has an Indian wife” — to “support White identity.” “What kind of a man marries somebody named Usha?” Fuentes, who has often praised Hitler, said. “Clearly, he doesn’t value his racial identity, his heritage.

” During an interview that aired Sunday on This Week , ABC’s Jonathan Karl asked Vance about Fuentes’ remarks and Trump’s dinner with the white supremacist alongside controversial rapper Kanye West , who has praised Hitler multiple times . Vance responded, “The one thing I like about Donald Trump is he actually will talk to anybody, but just because you talk to somebody doesn’t mean you endorse their views.” JD Vance on Trump dining with white supremacist Nick Fuentes, who made racist comments about his wife and Trump has never fully disavowed: "The one thing I like about Donald Trump is he actually will talk to anybody, but just because you talk to somebody doesn't mean you endorse.

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twitter.com/gB1vr8G2qi Some of Fuentes’ views include that “perfidious Jews” and anyone who “suppresses Christianity” should be “absolutely annihilated.” “When we take power,” Fuentes said a Dec.

2023 livestream, “ they need to be given th.