J.D. Vance looked ready to pull a "Captain America: Civil War" Wednesday .

.. walking around an airport tarmac looking for VP Kamala Harris -- and talking smack to reporters.

Video from a gaggle of reporters on the Eau Claire, Wisconsin tarmac today captured Harris walking toward Air Force 2. That's when the Republican nominee for vice president rolls up and starts in on Harris. Senator JD Vance’s campaign plane and Air Force Two (VP Kamala Harris’s plane) were on the tarmac in Wisconsin at the same time.

Vance walked over to Air Force Two telling reporters he wanted to see what his future plane would look like. He also said he wanted to say hi to..

. pic.twitter.

com/a7AxDsGhG5 Vance says he wants to speak outside AF2 'cause he's going to fly around in the vice-presidential plane in a few short months -- displaying an abundance of confidence in his Republican ticket's chances in November. Plus, he says, he's worried the press is getting lonely ..

. claiming KH never answers questions -- leaving all the reporters tasked to follow her out in the cold. J.

D. happened to be in the same town in Wisconsin for a rally today, and took advantage of the opportunity to heckle the veep. JDV says he wants Kamala to answer why her policy positions keep changing .

.. claiming she's flip-flopped on prosecuting criminals and border security.

It's the basic politics talking-points takedown ...

but, it's odd Vance can deliver it so close to his political opponents -- with their schedules overlap.