According to some reports, Ratan Tata proposed an offer of Rs. 7,000 crore to Ramesh Chauhan in order to buy the company. After a series of negotiations and meetings, the deal was almost finalised in 2023 but eventually fell off.

Published: December 28, 2024 11:25 AM IST By Edited by In the business world, few names evoke as much respect as Ratan Tata, the former Chairman Emeritus of the Tata Group. Renowned for his visionary leadership, ethical practices, and philanthropic endeavors, Tata is often seen as a benchmark in corporate excellence. So, when Ramesh Chauhan, the owner of India’s largest packaged water brand, Bisleri, decided to sell his business in 2022, many anticipated a seamless acquisition by the Tata Group.

However, the story took an unexpected turn, spotlighting the remarkable resolve of a young woman determined to protect her family’s legacy. Ramesh Chauhan, affectionately known as the “Aqua King,” spent over five decades transforming Bisleri into a household name and a market leader. As age began catching up with him, Chauhan became less inclined to manage the daily operations of the company.

With no immediate successor—his only child, Jayanti Chauhan, initially showing little interest in the business—the sale of Bisleri seemed inevitable. This development stirred excitement across the corporate world, as Bisleri, holding a 32% market share in the packaged water segment, is a pioneering brand with an extensive network of 122 plants and over 4,500 .