Many years ago, veteran actress Jaya Bachchan shared her husband Amitabh Bachchan's candid thoughts on her ‘bahu’ Aishwarya Rai. Read on to know what she said! New Delhi: Amid swirling rumours about a possible split between Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, a heartwarming revelation by Jaya Bachchan has resurfaced, shedding light on Amitabh Bachchan’s special bond with his daughter-in-law. Despite the ongoing speculation, the couple remains one of Bollywood’s most beloved pairs, often admired for their grace and commitment.

Jaya Bachchan reveals Amitabh Bachchan’s heartwarming bond with Aishwarya Rai The renewed attention on the Bachchan family dynamics stems from a throwback episode of Koffee With Karan, where Jaya shared a touching anecdote about her husband’s relationship with Aishwarya. The Guddi actress revealed that her husband has never viewed Aishwarya as just a daughter-in-law. Instead, he sees her as a daughter.

“Whenever he sees her, he becomes happy,” Jaya shared. “He never saw Aishwarya as a daughter-in-law. He always saw Aishwarya as a daughter.

Amitji, the minute he sees her, it’s like he’s looking at Shweta coming home. His eyes light up. She’ll fill the vacuum that Shweta left.

” When Abhishek Bachchan spoke about his first meeting with Aishwarya Adding to the intrigue, an old interview of Abhishek has also resurfaced, where he talked about his first meeting with Aishwarya. Speaking on The Ranveer Show in 2021, Abhishek re.