TV star Jay Blades has made a triumphant return to our screens last night (Sunday) after a self-imposed exile from public life following his public divorce. Jay, 54, even halted filming The Repair Shop earlier this year after his uncle was killed and his wife Lisa-Marie Zbozen publicly announced the end of their two year marriage and details why she left their Wolverhampton home. However, another relationship in Blades life has spurred his return to TV, his friendship with Dame Judi Dench, 89, who he met two years ago on The Repair Shop.

The first episode of The Odd Couple aired on Channel 4, showing the pair visiting important places in their lives, to rave reviews, with The Guardian calling their relationship 'beautiful'. On his Instagram page Blades shared a video on Saturday , and said: "My Dear & Beautiful friend, Dame Judi Dench took me to an old family home. "Very Powerful, My Heart is with her.

100% as she was So Brave to share this with me and then you." Blades read a Shakespeare sonnet on the stage of The Old Vic theatre and told Dame Judi: "Performing here might be second nature to Judi but for me, it's the complete opposite. I've lived with Dyslexia my whole life and I learned to read and write at 51.

"Coming here today, I wanted to read to you some Shakespeare but reading that in public I just don't do it but I thought since I am with you I am going to give it a go." He said: "Reading is like kryptonite to me but she is doing things with me that she hasn't done b.