Mumbai: Tamil director Atlee who rose to immense fame with Shah Rukh Khan-starrer ‘Jawan’ has shared a picture of his another exciting collaboration with singer Shreya Ghoshal and music director Thaman S. Taking to his photo-sharing platform, Atlee, who has two million followers on his Instagram, shared the snapshot on his Instagram Stories with renowned singer Shreya Ghoshal along with Telugu music director Thaman S and director Kalees. Atlee captioned the picture, “Omg my fav singer for fav track in babyjohn”.

As per the background, it seems like the picture has been taken at a recording studio which also signifies that fans will soon be getting a major update on the upcoming action-thriller film. It can be also speculated that the hint that Atlee has given can be either a romantic number from the film or it can be a power-packed party track for the film. Later music director, Thaman S also took to his Instagram Stories and reshared the post of the ‘Mersal’ fame director.

With My faVVv ❤️ @shreyaghoshal ✨ #BabyJohn @Atlee_dir 🧨 He captioned the picture, “What a team.

What a Film”. Fans are now waiting to witness the first glimpse of Varun Dhawan starrer- ‘Baby John’ which is Atlee’s yet another big project in the Bollywood industry. However, he has not been in the director’s chair for this one but it can be considered as one of the biggest opportunities to produce big-budgeted films in Bollywood after his smashing .