Alberta Premier Danielle Smith was in tears Thursday morning during the province’s update on the rapidly evolving wildfire situation in Jasper National Park and the rest of Alberta. During a press briefing in Edmonton, Smith was visibly emotional as she described a “wall of flames” hitting the townsite, claiming that potentially 50% of the town has burned. Parks Canada has not yet confirmed the extent of the damage.

“To those in Alberta and around the world who experienced the magic of Jasper, the magic is not lost, and it never will be,” Smith said. As since news broke of the blaze reaching the townsite, Smith described Jasper’s special place in people’s hearts. “For many generations, the town of Jasper and the park surrounding it have been a source of pride, with some of the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Our grandparents visited to experience the majesty of this place, with its mountains and lakes and meadows. They took our parents who then took us to this special spot that they’d spend time in as children,” she tearfully explained. “And now we take our own children and visitors from around the world to get that same feeling that you get with your first glimpse of the mountains on the horizon.

A feeling that even though you’ve just left home, you’re coming home.” The province will be moving to a “unified command centre” to allow various government levels to collaborate on the wildfire response. Federal Minister of Emergency Preparednes.