Punjabi singer Jasbir Jassi – best known for songs like Dil Le Gayi Kudi and Laung Da Lashkara – sent a warning out to actress and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut against badmouthing Punjab, threatening to “expose” her if she continued commenting about his state. Recently, during a rally in Himachal Pradesh, Ranaut addressed the crowd and said that while the neighboring state of Punjab is laced with drugs and alcohol, Himachal Pradesh was in stark contrast to it. Ranaut also urged the youth of Himachal Pradesh to not get influenced by the people of Punjab.

Punjabi singer Jasbir Jassi raised an objection to MP Kangana Ranaut’s latest comment. Jassi stated that if Kangana Ranaut doesn’t stop speaking negatively about Punjab, he will expose many things about her in the coming days. @JJassiOfficial @Vikram1331 pic.

twitter.com/UTBg45zpCj — Gagandeep Singh (@Gagan4344) October 4, 2024 Ranaut’s remark didn’t go down well with Jassi, who warned her to stop before it gets too late. Jassi said, “I am forced to say this now because she has been targeting Punjab too much.

She once got drunk with me and another female friend in my car in Delhi and she had no control over herself. The amount of alcohol and drugs she has consumed, I don't think anyone else has. If she does not stop talking about Punjab, then I’ll expose all her stories.

” Jassi added that while he doesn’t want to name and shame a woman in public, Ranaut’s jibes against Punjab are now getting out of hand, an.