Wednesday, August 14, 2024 Japan’s travel industry faces increasing concerns about the inadequate safety information available to foreign tourists, particularly as the country remains on high alert after a series of powerful earthquakes. These tourists could be at serious risk if another disaster strikes. MThe region from Okinawa to Tokyo Bay remains on heightened alert following the magnitude 7.

1 earthquake that hit Kyushu’s east coast on August 8. Experts warn that this tremor could foreshadow a much larger earthquake in the Nankai Trough, a 900-kilometer offshore fault line. Should a megaquake, similar to the magnitude-9 earthquake that struck northeastern Japan in March 2011, occur, the results could be devastating.

Foreign visitors, unfamiliar with the Japanese language, may struggle to follow critical instructions during a major natural disaster. These instructions include evacuation routes, where to seek medical care, and finding shelter, as emphasized by Takayama. International Travel Expert Mr.

Anup Kumar Keshan says “Serious blow for Japan’s tourism sector as hotels face thousands of cancellations ,Airlines change route all tourist attraction spots restrict entry. Leisure tourists and Business travellers have changed their holiday schedule & business meetings,shifting to Thailand and South Korea” In response, Takayama led a meeting on Tuesday to enhance disaster response protocols. This meeting focused on locating company staff and travelers, ensuring their.