When I announced I was taking our 16-year-old daughter on a 10-day trip around Japan, my significant other was somewhat sceptical. As in, “you guys will kill each other!” And: “I need to contact the Japanese consulate now to warn them you’re coming!” Now this was (I think) all in jest, as anyone who has a teen in the house knows, everyone gets on beautifully all the time.* And when “people” say you and the teen in question are just two sides of the same coin, I guess there is some veracity in the comments.

But the truth is — the odd “exchange of words” aside — I couldn’t think of a better place than Japan to spend some valuable bonding time with a teen, especially one somewhat obsessed with Asian culture. It’s easy to get around, has cheap, fantastic food and there’s always something stimulating to do or see — even if you skip most of the touristy hotspots. Ground zero for our trip was first making a list of must-sees.

Maya’s did not surprise: + A cat or animal cafe + Snow + Fruit and cream sandwiches + Bullet train ride + A red panda My list was something like: + Try some good Japanese beer + Try some more good Japanese beer + Snow + Fruit and cream sandwiches + Visit to the Skytree Most looked achievable, although even with all my dad-power I could not really guarantee seeing snow when we weren’t planning on hitting the ski zones. And the red panda would, I assume, mean a zoo visit. .

. But with a Japanese winter approaching the further nor.