Janice passed away at home on the morning of August 17, 2024; survived by loving husband, Eugene, and sons, Christopher and Ross. She was 86 years old, born on February 14, 1938 in London England to parents William and Dorothy (Roberts) McAvilley, the 5th of seven children. The family lived in Holland Park on the western edge of central London, where Jan was a toddler during World War II.

Jan was a bright youngster whose curiosity, at the age of 6, led her to enrichment at libraries and museums throughout London. In early school, she was named ‘top girl’, skipped a few grades and was student at an elite girls’ school where she passed the A-level exam. Her education was interrupted by family problems caused by the senseless war.

She became an emancipated minor, responsible for two younger siblings.When Jan was 21 years old, she emigrated to America, in search of educational access and career opportunities. She completed the GED and was soon taking classes at Boston University.

During a summer vacation on Cape Cod with her host family in 1960, she met her future husband, Eugene. They married in 1961 and moved to California where both would earn degrees at UC Berkeley. While Jan earned transfer credits at Contra Costa College, Gene was beginning graduate study.

Jan was awarded a Bachelor’s Degree with honors and Gene received his PhD. They then re-located to Pittsburgh, PA where Jan was working at Children’s Hospital while Gene was doing postdoctoral research at the Uni.