Janhvi Kapoor wore a dazzling short corset top constructed of nothing but sparkly white stones as she partied with the Ambanis in Jamnagar on Christmas 2024. The actor's second outfit for the Christmas festivities hosted by Radhika Ambani, Anant Ambani and family was nothing short of glamorous – a figure-hugging velvet gown. Also read | Radhika Merchant celebrates her first Christmas with Anant Ambani after wedding in a little red dress that looks so cute How much does Janhvi's white Christmas look cost The actor's embellished white top from Dolce & Gabbana x Kim Kardashian costs a cool $5,545 (a merry Christmas, indeed), which is approximately ₹ 4.

73 lakh. She wore it with a pair of low-key blue shorts but went all out with the accessories. Her silver Dolce & Gabbana bag with embroidered charm applique, also available in black, costs $7,595 (approximately ₹ 6.

48 lakh); while her stiletto heels with thin crystal-embellished strap are from Christian Louboutin, and cost around ₹ 1.3 lakh. Janhvi also sported an extravagant diamond and emerald necklace and matching earrings from Kalyan Jewellers.

A post shared by Khushi Kapoor Fan Page (@loveskhushii) While this corset top look was definitely a showstopper, it's actually our second favourite high-fashion Janhvi look to catch our attention this Christmas. Sticking with her glamourous style, the actor also wore a red carpet-worthy gown for another Ambani Christmas celebration. Janhvi serves old Hollywood glamour in velvet .