Jamie Lee Curtis is spending her Friday calling out paparazzi for sneaking photos from the “ Freaky Friday ” sequel set. Curtis, who is reprising her original role alongside Lindsay Lohan for the highly-anticipated sequel to the iconic 2003 film , took to Instagram to clarify that the leaked pics from production are not indicative of the storyline for the feature, which is currently titled “ Freakier Friday .” “Because other outlets have posted it, I am going to take advantage of the intrusion of a paparazzi picture into the creative process of filmmaking ,” Curtis wrote.

“We have tried so hard to keep our story a secret and private until it’s time for release but once in a while an image comes out, and it doesn’t tell you anything about the story or about what’s going on with the characters but it does show the joy and fun that we had making ‘Freakier Friday’ and we know it will be the experience that you will have in the theaters next year.” The Academy Award winner added, “Yes, you heard me..

.The theaters. The place we all go and enjoy a shared experience in the dark while munching popcorn and candy and laughing together and sometimes crying together.

Until then.” While Disney has not publicly announced plot details for “Freakier Friday,” Curtis did previously confirm that the story centers on her character being a grandmother to Lohan’s daughter. Of course, as per the first film, body-swapping will occur.

Mark Harmon and Chad Michael Mu.