JAMES CITY — The James City County Board of Supervisors allocated about $4.6 million on Tuesday for new internet infrastructure and road improvements. The board approved a $2.

7 million contract with JSG Corp. to do needed work to improve roads in the Settlers Market area. Improvements include milling and repaving the existing pavement, striping of lane markings, fixing and updating handicap accessible ramps, and working on the stormwater/drainage infrastructure, said Assistant County Administrator Jason Purse.

Purse said the improvements should be done within the next six months. The board also authorized a $1.9 million fiber optic cable purchase to complete the county’s internet and communication infrastructure.

The installation of the cable will complete connections to local public sites in the county, eliminating the need for leasing fiber optic cable use. Currently, fiber optic cable serves 15 county sites, two James City Service Authority sites, 14 Williamsburg-James City County School sites and the two Williamsburg Regional Library sites. Because one county site and three school system sites currently rent use of the cables for $76,000 per year, buying and installing 19 miles of new cable will eliminate the need to lease them.

“The installation of this fiber will also provide an improved infrastructure assuring continued communications in the event of a fiber cut or the failure of communications equipment at any given site,” according to the county . Also at Tue.