share 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 This month, the Terminator franchise is expanding with a new animated show, Terminator Zero , but franchise creator James Cameron is not involved . Instead, Cameron is engrossed in his own secretive Terminator project . While little is known about this next instalment, there is a chance that he’s been developing a script for Terminator 7 .

Cameron, who directed and co-wrote the iconic The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day , and contributed to the 2019 film Terminator: Dark Fate , shared with The Hollywood Reporter his curiosity about Terminator Zero . He likened his detached fascination to his feelings about The Sarah Connor Chronicles , expressing interest in seeing how others interpret and expand the universe he created. His full comments are as follows: “It looks interesting.

My relationship to that is very much like The Sarah Connor Chronicles — other people spinning stories in a world I set in motion is interesting to me. What’s their takeaway? What intrigued them about it? Where are they going with it? It looks like they’re going back to the root cause of Judgment Day — the nuclear war — and whether that’s an ultimate timeline. I’d be curious to see what they’ve come up with.

I’m working on my own Terminator stuff right now. It’s got nothing to do with that. Like with The Sarah Connor Chronicles , they occasionally touched on things I had been playing with completely independently.

So there’s some curiosity there. It.