Actress Santhy Balachandran's video detailing her body transformation due to her workout regimen is gaining viral attention. In the video, Shanthi shares that she has progressed from a soft, slender physique to a stronger one through her workouts. In addition to discussing her fitness journey, the actress has posted a video demonstrating three different workout routines.

On her page, she said, "I have never had much by way of core strength, so I never could do a push-up. Until this year. the first half of 2024 has been about learning that my soft, squishy body is capable of more than I ever dared to imagine.

" She goes on to show three workouts - pistol squat, hanging knee raise and push-ups to show how they helped her transform her body. Though all three target different muscle groups and demand different kinds of strengths and balances, they are all bodyweight exercises that rely majorly on our bodies for resistance. They also engage our cores and mimic movements in daily life activities.

If you want to try them out, here are a few basic tips you should know before attempting them. 1) Ask your fitness trainer to understand what's the exact, proper form to maintain while doing all these routines. For instance, you should maintain a straight back throughout, while executing a pistol squat.

Similarly, your arms should be completely extended and your body not swing too much while doing hanging knee raises. 2) Do not rush into the pose. Progress slowly by trying simpler variation.