Tuesday, August 27, 2024 Jai-alai, renowned as the world’s fastest ball sport, is celebrating its 100th year in South Florida. To honor this centennial milestone, the World Jai-Alai League will host a special community gallery exhibit at the HistoryMiami Museum. This multimedia installation will delve into the sport’s evolution over the past century, showcasing its rise, decline, and recent revival through various mediums and perspectives.

The exhibit will open with a reception on Thursday, August 29, at 6 p.m. at HistoryMiami.

Running from August 29 to November 10, the exhibit is free to the public and will highlight how jai-alai has been marketed over the years, the South Florida frontons that have hosted the sport, key figures who have influenced its growth, and its ongoing resurgence. “As jai-alai’s legacy endures in Miami—a city renowned for its speed, passion, and culture—the centennial exhibit brings this electrifying sport back into the spotlight, reminding everyone of the excitement that made it a beloved part of South Florida life,” said Scott Savin, Chief Operating Officer of the World Jai-Alai League. In conjunction with the centennial exhibition, the World Jai-Alai League will launch its Battle Court Fall 2024 season on September 2.

This 15-week season will feature six teams vying for the championship. Battle Court Jai-Alai, a modern, fast-paced version of the traditional game, is played on a glass court with updated rules to appeal to contemporary .