Awkwafina plays a struggling actor whose winning lottery ticket has her on the run for her life in “Jackpot!’ this week on Prime Video and the fourth season of “Emily in Paris” drops Thursday on Netflix. Also on Netflix this week: The tearjerker documentary “Daughters,” which follows four young girls as they prepare to reunite with their incarcerated fathers for a dance party in jail the Halle Berry-Mark Wahlberg movie “The Union,” an action comedy about a construction worker who gets entangled in the world of espionage by an old girlfriend. “Jackpot!” It’s always worth paying attention when Paul Feig (“Spy,” “The Heat,” “Bridesmaids”) makes a comedy.

In “Jackpot!,” coming to Prime Video on Thursday, Awkwafina plays a struggling actor whose winning lottery ticket has her on the run for her life. In this near-future California, residents compete to kill the winner before sundown in order to claim the winnings for themselves. One person who is on her side, and willing to help, is John Cena.

Feig told Entertainment Weekly that it’s the “Jackie Chan movie I always wished I could make.” DETAILS ‘Daughters’ The tear-jerker documentary “Daughters,” streaming on Netflix this week, follows four young girls as they prepare to reunite with their incarcerated fathers for a dance in a Washington, D.C.

, jail. Co-directed by Angela Patton and Natalie Rae, the film took over eight years to make as the directors earned the trust of the mothe.