In the late 1990s, the internet was a burgeoning phenomenon, transforming industries and altering the way people communicated worldwide. While many were still getting accustomed to this new digital era, one Bollywood star was already ahead of the curve—Jackie Shroff. Known for his rugged persona and versatility on screen, Shroff was also becoming known for his unexpected and forward-thinking embrace of technology.

In 1999, at a time when email addresses were still a novelty for many, Jackie Shroff was not just getting into the internet; he was actively encouraging others to do the same. Jackie Shroff’s digital masterstroke in 1999 – When Jackie Shroff began signing his email address as autographs and pioneered Bollywood’s Internet era In a move that was both innovative and personal, Shroff began signing his email address, **, instead of his name when fans asked for his autograph.

This was not just a quirky gimmick; it was a deliberate strategy by the star to spark curiosity about the internet among his fans. By integrating his digital identity into a traditionally analog interaction, Shroff was subtly pushing his admirers to explore the online world, thereby promoting digital literacy in a time when the internet was still a mystery to many. For Shroff, this initiative was more than just a branding exercise.

It was a reflection of his understanding of the transformative potential of the internet. He recognized that the digital age was not just a .