J Balvin: ‘There are times when it is difficult to maintain confidence in yourself...

and in others’ After more than a year-and-a-half hiatus, the Colombian superstar has returned as a more serious, stronger and, according to him, a more mature person It’s a hot afternoon in the Coachella Valley. About 500 meters from the festival, the fashion brand Guess Jeans has rented a complex of luxury villas for influencers and artists, such as Colombian singer J Balvin , 39, who has come with his partner, Valentina Ferrer, and their son, Río, who is three years old. In the garden, four people are trying to share a single bit of shade.

Inside, two are playing Mario Kart and another is sleeping on the sofa. But the singer has not yet appeared. “How do we address him?” asks the photographer.

“You can call him José,” says one of the singer’s employees in English. “José is fine.” Time passes.

No one dares to ask when the singer will arrive. Outside, the sun begins to set. The photographer and his assistant measure the light again to adjust the equipment.

At that point, a voice is heard in the hallway. A door opens, and J Balvin appears, wearing a cowboy hat pulled down almost to his eyes. He waves.

“Shall we take the photos here?” he asks, pointing to the chairs in the living room. “We were thinking of taking them outside,” replies the photographer, who observes Balvin’s neat braids as he removes his hat. Together they walk out into the garden.
