The emotional journey of IVF can be extremely difficult for couples , often resulting in significant psychological distress , manifested by anxiety , depression and sometimes even feelings of inadequacy. After all, the journey can be challenging but using some coping strategies can make a big difference in managing psychological stress as couples need to remember that they are not alone and that asking for help, is a strength, not a weakness. Ultimate Guide to Maintaining Your Mental Health In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Diksha Singh, Counselling Psychologist at LISSUN, suggested: An effective coping strategy is to seek professional psychological support.

Therapy provides a safe space for individuals and couples to express their fears, hopes and frustrations. Mindfulness and relaxation techniques, such as meditation and Yoga, can also help manage stress. These practices can promote present-moment awareness and reduce the overwhelming emotions that often accompany the treatment.

Additionally, joining a support group provides a sense of community and shared understanding. Applications that offer guided meditations, mood tracking and virtual support groups can be very helpful. These tools provide immediate access to resources and community, easing significant strain during the often isolating IVF process.

Another important aspect is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity, a balanced diet and enough sleep can significantly improve emotional resilience. Cre.