"Thrills, disappointment" and "excitement" were three words co-founder Andy Waugh used to describe an experience at Sixes Social Cricket when I spoke to him recently - and I can confirm, he is bang on the money. Being an Aussie, cricket is in my blood. I have played and followed the sport from a young age and will happily defend cricket from all those people who call it "boring".

So when the opportunity to visit one of the Sixes Social Cricket bars came up, I jumped at the chance to give it a go. What to expect from Sixes Social Cricket? From the moment I stepped through the doors of Sixes in Manchester, I could tell I was entering cricket heaven. For instance, cricket bats hang from the ceiling and greet you as you walk down the stairs.

From the moment I stepped in to Sixes in Manchester I could tell I was in cricket heaven. (Image: Patrick Glover) Then when you enter the main Sixes area - you have a bar on one side, and a large seating area on the other, with three cricket nets set up in various corners of the venue. Seriously, it is all I could want in one room.

Upon getting a drink at the bar, my wife (who has no cricket experience whatsoever) and I were led straight over to our net. The staff member ran through all the details of the various levels, game modes and safety measures to follow before we were left to our own devices and whack a few balls. We were given an hour between the two of us, which was more than enough for us to complete the new 'The Hundred' simulatio.