If you’re thinking of buying a in the new year, firstly, congratulations. There’s nothing more exciting than making a big investment purchase (or maybe that’s just me) especially at this time of year where the sales have started and we look to either treat ourselves or spend vouchers kindly gifted from family or friends. But with great power comes great responsibility, as they say, so how do you know you’re making the right choice? It’s called an for a reason — if you’re spending thousands of pounds on a bag, you want to make sure you’ll love it forever (or if not, that you’ll at least be able to make your money back by reselling it).

As somewhat of a bag aficionado, my top tip is to go for something you actually like. It sounds obvious, but if you’re buying into a trend or a style simply because it’s currently popular, you probably won’t want it in your wardrobe forever. I speak from experience, having just sold a bright pink I bought in the pandemic — nothing against Jacquemus, the bag just wasn’t my style.

Remember when all we could do was shop online...

My second top tip is to think about designers or at least bag designs that have stood the test of time. For my 30th birthday, I made my biggest bag purchase to date — a Speedy. The style made its debut in 1930 under the name the Express, and was designed as a more compact alternative to Louis Vuitton’s travelling trunks of the time.

As the bag will turn 95 next year, and has seen many design.