Tulsa, Oklahoma’s, Seth Lee Jones is best known as a master luthier, but thanks to the swampy blues and country licks on his latest album, Tulsa Custom , that could easily change. Songs like the 5/4-time stomp Good Dog , album-opener 110 and the languid Bird of Paradise showcase his fluid slide skills and proclivity for punchy blues-rock riffs. “I’ve always found myself coming back to blues,” says Jones, who studied classical and jazz in addition to graduating top of his class from the Musicians Institute Guitar Craft Academy.

“Blues and country are really closely related. If you look at them musically, they’re not too far apart, and one feeds the other.” Jones began enjoining the two when he returned home to Tulsa in 2010 following his education and apprenticeship years in Los Angeles.

“There’s so much more country here than there is blues, and I ended up playing for a country band,” he says. “That’s what pushed me to learn how to use the benders [ to ] copy the pedal steel sound.” Naturally, Jones has built or modified every guitar he plays.

He recorded much of Tulsa Custom with a Tele -style SLJ model outfitted with a Hipshot palm bender – his main guitar since 2006 – as well as a pair of ’60s-era Silvertones and a Mulecaster, among others. He sets the bender levers on the B, G and A strings to raise the pitch by a whole or half tone and uses them tastefully all over the album. “I did the math,” he says.

“Since I’ve been doing this 2.