My 11-year-old son has started playing competitive baseball during the outdoor season, which basically runs from mid-April to mid-October. But he has also gone away for the summers to sleepover camp for the past two years. This summer he can’t do both completely, meaning, he either has to miss some of the season or not go to camp for as long as usual.

My wife and I both went to camp our whole lives, and made some hugely important lifelong friendships there, so we feel it is an important part of childhood. Neither of us is extremely sporty, nor competitive, so we know nothing about the world of competitive youth sports. Our son decided to go to camp but is now wavering and thinking he wants to come home for baseball.

We know what we would like him to do, but we’re not conflicted. At this point, we just don’t know how to help him. Though your son is only 11, this is a perfect opportunity to teach him how to make a decision — by weighing the pros and cons — and owning the consequences of that decision.

Especially since whatever choice he makes won’t upset you or your wife, this is a very safe opportunity, meaning, if he makes the “wrong” choice, the outcome isn’t remotely horrific. So, help him think about the pros and cons, enlighten him about aspects his young mind would never think of, and let him make the decision on his own. Caveat: you didn’t mention any financial implications of either, so assuming money isn’t an issue, there’s no reason to mention.