Enjoying a pint in a top-notch pub or bar is one of life's greatest joys. The best have their own unique personality - and the drink you're sipping is just part of that. In these venues, the history, distinctive features, staff and the mix of patrons all contribute to the unique atmosphere and sense of place.

Perhaps it's the meticulous attention the proprietors pay to their beer, wine or cocktail selections; the passion the bartenders bring to their craft; the friendships formed over a couple of drinks; the importance of the venue to its local community; or the lingering spirits of past customers that you can almost feel around you. Any or all of them can make a place stick in the memory long after you've left. I'm no globetrotter but, wherever I find myself, I make a point of seeking out the finest pubs and bars, be they historic or modern, upscale or down-to-earth.

I've been thinking about the best ones I've frequented over the years (and there are likely a lot more I've forgotten, possibly due to spending a bit too much time in them). So if you ever find yourself near one of these gems, don't hesitate to step inside. You can thank me later.

Bruges, the Belgian city that seems to have sprung from a fairytale , is home to this charming bar. The warm light spilling from the small red-brick building onto the cobbled street outside is incredibly inviting. Inside, the cosy bar is divided into two rooms, both filled with closely packed tables that encourage conversation between .