GMB: Kwasi Kartang doesn't think Truss planned to cut cancer care Good Morning Britain viewers were outraged to discover former Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng was once again a guest on Thursday's (August 29) edition of the ITV show. They took to X to share their anger wth many claiming they were switching off over his appearance. @C9Craig announced: "#gmb omg Kwasi is on again, time to turn over to BBC .

" @CrowleyRory had a similar sentiment writing: "Kwasi on again switching over , rewarding him for failure isn’t a great look." @boulter_jean fumed: "Until GMB producers have some respect for their viewers and stop acting like GBeebies -no point watching. Get Kwarteng off!!! #GMB.

" @SteveMacpompey raged: "Serious w***** overload with Madley AND Kwasi Kwarteng #GMB Switched over to BBC ." @mandyaitken6 speculated: "I’m sure GMB losing 1000’s viewers who are sick of waking up to Kwasi ..

myself included." Meanwhile @Andrew3745 chimed in: "#GMB Whoever in the hierarchy insists on re-booking the disgraced politician that is Kwasi Kwarteng should have more respect for their viewers; there's a limit to how much more of this we can take." Good Morning Britain viewers said they were switching off following one guest (Image: ITV) SUBSCRIBE Invalid email We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you.

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