Emmerdale fans will see Sarah Sugden become the focus of a new storyline in upcoming scenes. The drama unfolds when Sarah, portrayed by Katie Hill, and Jacob Gallagher, played by Joe-Warren Plant, decide to go on a date. But in classic soap opera fashion, just as Jacob sets up the date with Sarah, his mum Leyla Harding demands he join her for lunch, leaving Sarah feeling jilted.

The question then arises...

did Leyla do this on purpose? As the week progresses, Jacob makes amends and arranges another date with Sarah - but will she agree and does it go to plan? Katie, who is 21-years-old, has been playing the role of Sarah since 2017, taking over from Sophia Amber Moore who held the role from 2007 until 2016. This was Katie's first television debut after previously starring in theatre and musical roles. Back in 2020, Katie wowed soap fans with her cover of Almost is Never Enough by Ariana Grande and Nathan Sykes on Emmerdale's YouTube channel.

Katie went on to cover various songs on her Instagram and in 2024 she released her debut single, Bitter Sweet. Posting a video back in August, titled: "Bittersweet out now<3 link in my bio x". Katie said: "Hey guys, just back making another video to let you know that song I showed you all a clip of a few weeks ago is now out on Spotify and all other streaming platforms", encouraging her 103K followers to "go have a listen" and let her know what they think.

Katie's performance has garnered support from her Emmerdale colleagues, including Da.