Emmerdale enthusiasts are on high alert after theorising the identity of the secret daughter shared by Ruby (portrayed by Beth Cordingly) and Caleb Milligan (played by Will Ash), following the latest nail-biting episode on Tuesday. In a startling hospital encounter, Caleb confronted Ruby's ailing mother Helen (Sharon Maughan), where tensions ran high. Displaying an aggressive side, Caleb menaced Helen, even resorting to extortion for cash in exchange for allowing her to see her offspring before she dies.

Family secrets resurfaced as Helen alluded to their daughter, despite viewers being aware that Caleb and Ruby share a son, Nicky Milligan (Lewis Cope), who has since departed the village with his partner. Speculation is rife whether this recent conversational twist hinting at Nicky and Stephanie suggests a possible dramatic return. Helen said from her sickbed: "I am sure it is of little consequence to you to know I am dying," reports Leeds Live .

To which Caleb's cold retort was: "Yeah, you said on the phone," followed by the piercing declaration: "I doubt you'd dare get in touch otherwise, you knew the reception you'd get." Caleb continued harshly: "Let me tell you, this doesn't change anything, I am still not telling Ruby, I love her too much. She is just some lame attempt to clear your conscience for disowning her before you pop off.

" Desperately, Helen implored: "My daughter has a right to know that I am dying," pressing the urgency: "There are things that need to be said.