Menswear content creator and businessman Kirby Allison took a trip through Italy that could turn a clotheshorse's tie green with envy and produced an in-depth look at Italian quality, craftsmanship and tradition. Allison traveled the peninsula for three weeks in the summer of 2023, documenting the ins and outs of "La Dolce Vita" through menswear, fine dining and high-end hospitality. The result is an over 20-part series called "Kirby's Grand Italian Tour" with episodes releasing on his throughout the summer.

Allison sat down with USA TODAY to discuss the "Grand Italian Tour," pushing the limits of YouTube and what one can learn from Italian style. : , explores the world of quality craftsmanship and tradition around the world of the well-dressed and our traditional focus has really always been on that world in London. When one thinks of classic menswear, they think of the traditional English gentleman and the capital of that for men without question is London.

Savile Row, German Street, the Piccadilly Arcade. These are the places that the elite gentlemen of the last two centuries went to shop and get clothed. But as we've grown the channel, we've really been encouraged by our viewers to branch out and to explore where else in the world one can find quality craftsmanship and tradition thriving.

Outside of London, Italy is par excellence. It's really on the same level. It's a different inflection but ultimately, fundamentally, that tradition of craft is very rich and very vibran.