Jim Pavlidis Credit: . To submit a letter to The Age , email letters@theage.com.

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See here for our rules and tips on getting your letter published. Michelle Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention was amazing, inspirational and positive (′′⁣ Obamas fire up Harris’ bid for White House ′′⁣, 22/8). What is great is that she puts the onus back on voters.

We should not stand around and wait for good things to happen. She had the people chanting, ′′⁣Do something′′⁣. We could take a lesson from this for our next federal election.

Examine the policies of the parties and look at their record. Do they have integrity? Do they prioritise their communities? Do they try to lift disadvantaged people up to have a better life or do their policies maintain the status quo? Plenty of reason to give in to despair when viewing our political landscape, but it’s up to us. Yes, we can! Jan Marshall, Brighton Judges and political appointments The article ′′ ⁣Beware nine black-robed figures ′′⁣ (22/8) is salient and makes us reflect on the judicial system in America and the often political bias that exists.

Supreme Court judges are appointed by the president and approved by Congress. Presidents appear to appoint judges that suit their political agenda. I have often wondered if Al Gore had become president how different the .