By Ravi Bansal Singapore, Aug 27 (PTI) The world of Middle Earth, the fictional setting of JRR Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" book series, is vast and presenting it on screen is akin to trying to fill a lake from a waterfall by using just a teacup, says JD Payne, the co-creator of fantasy series "The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power". Payne developed the ambitious Prime Video show, which returns with its second season on Friday, with Patrick McKay. "You always want your storytelling to just be getting better.

I would say everything about it is hard. Middle Earth is so vast. JRR Tolkien's imagination is so huge.

It's like going to a rushing waterfall with a teacup and then trying to fill up a lake with it. "You're just trying to do justice to the magnitude of the source material, and there's no department store where you can go and buy Middle Earth off the shelf things..

. It's all hard, but it's the right kind of hard because it's a joyful thing to create such a world," Payne told PTI in an interview. In Tolkien's "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" books, which he wrote in the 1950s, Middle Earth is a vast continent with diverse landscapes and home to various races and cultures such as elves, dwarves, humans, hobbits and orcs.

"The Rings of Power" is primarily based on the appendices of Tolkien's famed book series, specifically the description of Middle Earth's Second Age, and includes younger versions of some of the key characters from the books, which were earlier .