The official hottest place in the world just got hotter, in terms of monthly averages at least. National Park in California registered its hottest month on record this July (2024), with an average 24-hour temperature of 108.5°F (42.

5°C). That beats the park’s previous record of 108.1°F (42.

3°C) which was set in 2018. Death Valley rangers were called out to multiple life-threatening heat-related incidents over the course of the month, including a motorcyclist who died of heat exposure and a man who was taken to hospital with burns to his feet after . The average highest temperature each day in July hit a scorching 121.

9°F (49.9°C). On nine days during the month the park hit maximum temperatures in excess of 125°F (51.

7°C). There were only seven days in July when the mercury didn’t hit 120°F (48.9°C).

When it comes to high temperatures, though, there was one way in which July 2024 in Death Valley wasn’t a record breaker. The highest temperature of the month came on July 7 when the weather station at Furnace Creek recorded 129.2°F (54°C).

That doesn’t quite top the highest temperature ever officially recorded in Death Valley – and indeed anywhere on Earth – which remains the 134F (56.7C) heat reached in July 1913 at Furnace Creek. So, y’know, there’s something for climate change deniers to cling to.

.. Temperatures at or above 130F (54.

4C) have only been recorded on Earth a handful of times since, mostly in Death Valley. July 2024 also saw the hottest .