The superhero genre continues to be a powerful force in the entertainment industry, with a number of shared universes competing at the box office. But the DCEU (which is streaming with a Max subscription ) is officially over, and new CEOs James Gunn and Peter Safran starting a new universe with Gunn's Superman movie. The movie also features other DC heroes , and actress Isabel Merced geeked out over her Hawkgirl Suit, saying "it’s just the coolest.

" What we know about Superman is limited, but anticipation for the upcoming DC movie is steadily building. As previously mentioned, the cast list of Superman includes other heroes such as Merced's Hawkgirl. While speaking with Empire , the Madame Web actress shared her excitement about her costume in the DC flick, offering: Honestly, inside I'm just a nerdy guy.

I feel like that's who I actually am. I'm geeking out every time I try on the supersuit! It's just the coolest thing in the world to me. Honestly, same.

So many of us DC fans would lose our minds if we got our own superhero suit, which is why cosplaying is such a popular pastime. And from the set photos from Superman, it certainly looks like the heroes of Superman are going to look awesome when it finally arrives in theaters. Merced's excitement about her Hawkgirl suit might also have to do with her time in the cast of Madame Web .

Fans were disappointed when she and co-stars like Sydney Sweeney wore their suits for jut a few shots in the movie, spending the majority of it.