Women’s football has been a part of FC for nearly a decade now, but while women’s teams haven’t featured in Career Mode until now, it certainly hasn’t been for want of trying on the part of the developers. We visited the home of Career Mode at EA Romania, where we sat down with Line Producer Andreas Wilsdorf and Principal Game Designer Alex Constantinescu to talk about the long-awaited introduction of women’s management. “It’s about time we invested more in women’s football.

Women’s football has grown so much that it’s about time it came to Career Mode.” Wilsdorf begins. “It’s really important, because we call it the ‘world’s game’, and we say ‘welcome to the club’ and ‘the club is for everyone’ so to speak, and having all sides of football together in one cosmos is really important.

” But while the desire to include the women’s game was strong, the major barrier to its introduction was securing enough licences, something that hadn’t happened until this year. “We had a critical mass in terms of licences, and once we were able to confirm with our licensing partners that critical mass can be reached and we have this number of leagues in the game, that’s when we started working on integrating women in Career Mode,” Constantinescu recalls. On the topic of adding more leagues in the future, while it’s something they would love to do, the matter isn’t up to them to decide.

“It’s completely out of our hands. We’d obviously.