There was something transporting in the way the bright red dresses enveloped you in the crowd and carried you along on the gentle rise and fall of Kate Bush's ethereal rhythm drifting from the speakers at the front of the formation. Login or signup to continue reading Every move had a name - the 'serve the plates', 'slave to the master' (named for the lyric), 'zombie walk' and the acrobatic 'backwards pterodactyl'. Still, it wasn't about performing the choreography - the moves were there more as a guide than a strict rule.

The point was to lose yourself in the dance. "It's pure joy," organiser Natalie Mitchell said, "There's nothing else like it." It's aptly called 'the most Wuthering Heights day ever'.

It began in the UK around 2013 as a fan culture event to celebrate and recreate the 1978 music video to Kate Bush's 'Wuthering Heights'. It quickly gained traction around the globe and spiked around a resurgence of the artist's music in 2022 when it appeared in the hit series Stranger Things . But at its heart, organisers say the event is about women coming together in a spirit of community and, as the adage goes, to dance like no one is watching.

"It's empowering, dancing in the park," Linda Spinner said. "It doesn't matter what you're doing or when you're doing it - it all just flows, and, in the end, you just go around and around, and we're all just swirling. It's beautiful.

" Organisers took the crowd of around 200 dancers through the moves in a practice round before the ma.